3D Laboratory for Mineral Research is used to:
Study the crystal morphology, mineralogy and mineral chemistry of PGM, gold, base metals and other useful constituents of different rock types containing low concentrations;
Enhance the chances of finding accessory minerals for their identification and characterization (e.g. PGM, gold, diamond, zircon, baddeleyite, etc);
Carry out prospecting and technological mapping at the phase level from small samples (100-2000g);
Produce ultraclean separates of accessory minerals for any analytical purpose (i.e. mineral identification, isotopic studies, X-ray diffraction etc.) without using toxic chemicals and reactants which may leach or crush desired minerals;
Determine the identity of accessory minerals, their grain-size distribution and mineral associations; important information for economic evaluation and extraction;
Detect the occurrence of useful minerals and elements in possible secondary mineral deposits (process products such as mine tailings, industrial slags, etc);
Separate intact crystals and/or crystal fragments of diamonds and gemstones;
Contribute to better understanding of the paragenesis of deposits through detailed studies of accessory minerals;
Conduct analysis of losses in tailings from concentration mills, etc